Not Set/ Kid Rock hints online he will run for U.S. Senate

DETROIT (Reuters) – Recording star Kid Rock, an outspoken supporter of Republican President Donald Trump, hinted in website and social media messages on Wednesday that he intends to run for the U.S. Senate in 2018, promising a “major announcement” to come soon.

DETROIT (Reuters) – Recording star Kid Rock, an outspoken supporter of Republican President Donald Trump, hinted in website and social media messages on Wednesday that he intends to run for the U.S. Senate in 2018, promising a “major announcement” to come soon.

INentertainmentNews?d=yIl2AUoC8zA Kid Rock hints online he will run for U.S. Senate INentertainmentNews?i=379Nu7OZBcA:jyGRQYz4KeQ:F7zBnMyn0Lo Kid Rock hints online he will run for U.S. Senate INentertainmentNews?i=379Nu7OZBcA:jyGRQYz4KeQ:V sGLiPBpWU Kid Rock hints online he will run for U.S. Senate

379Nu7OZBcA Kid Rock hints online he will run for U.S. Senate