Not Set/ Venus eclipses Konta to reach Wimbledon final

LONDON (Reuters) – Venus Williams became the oldest woman in 23 years to reach a Wimbledon final as she defied her age and a despondent home crowd to inflict a crushing defeat on British hope Johanna Konta on Thursday.

LONDON (Reuters) – Venus Williams became the oldest woman in 23 years to reach a Wimbledon final as she defied her age and a despondent home crowd to inflict a crushing defeat on British hope Johanna Konta on Thursday.

INsportsNews?d=yIl2AUoC8zA Venus eclipses Konta to reach Wimbledon final INsportsNews?i=PiltN3zYVrc:nVsEOsQdEgM:F7zBnMyn0Lo Venus eclipses Konta to reach Wimbledon final INsportsNews?i=PiltN3zYVrc:nVsEOsQdEgM:V sGLiPBpWU Venus eclipses Konta to reach Wimbledon final

PiltN3zYVrc Venus eclipses Konta to reach Wimbledon final