Not Set/ When newborns arrive, hospital maternity rooms turn into photo studios

Everyone expected Aasavari to cry but the she lay silent and happy on her stomach on her father’s forearm, her tiny legs dangling. Her father Sagar Singh extended his arm as suggested by the photographer Arvind Shinde. From across the bed, the baby’s mother Priyanka Bhave placed her hands on Aasavari’s head, appearing to bless […]


62556 ztxvpzrmkz 1499443889 When newborns arrive, hospital maternity rooms turn into photo studios

Everyone expected Aasavari to cry but the she lay silent and happy on her stomach on her father’s forearm, her tiny legs dangling. Her father Sagar Singh extended his arm as suggested by the photographer Arvind Shinde. From across the bed, the baby’s mother Priyanka Bhave placed her hands on Aasavari’s head, appearing to bless her. As the family of three held the pose and smiled, Shinde clicked away.

Aasavari, who was just two days old during this photo session in early June, remained blissfully unaware of Shinde’s camera. Shinde had lights strategically placed around the room so that he would not have to subject the new baby to a direct flash.

The location of the shoot was in the room at the the maternity hospital Cloudnine in Mumbai where Aasavari was born. Like many maternity hospitals, Cloudnine offers photo shoots as part of the range of maternity care services. The hospital chain, which has 15 maternity facilities across India, has a photo studio with a full-time photographer at each centre, Shinde being one of them.

“Today, pregnancies are very precious as parents have fewer children,” said Surinder Dang, regional director of Cloudnine Hospitals.

And many parents are keen to document every possible moment of their child’s arrival…

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jf0t7BqNFak When newborns arrive, hospital maternity rooms turn into photo studios